Pecan Praline Sauce is all the goodness of a pecan pie trapped in a jar to be enjoyed all year long. Drizzle this sauce over ice cream, waffles, pound cake, or even brie and you’ll have the most-requested homemade gift made in your kitchen.
2 cups of corn syrup (dark, light or a combination)
½ cup water
1/3 cup dark brown sugar
1 1/2 cup pecan pieces
½ tsp vanilla
Yields approx 4 half-pints
Recipe for pecan praline sauce sourced from Ball’s Blue Book of Preserving
Oh this is a tasty one– not at all healthy–so if you are opposed to sugar and more sugar plus more than a few nuts and more sugar then you might not want to read another word… Ok, if you are still with me then here we go. I made jars of this Pecan Praline Sauce before Christmas and shared it with friends as gifts. I enjoy making gifts from the kitchen and one of my goals is to be able to share recipe ideas on this blog so that my friends have some options to turn to when it comes to using up all of these goodies. The best compliment you can receive after giving a gift like this is to receive the empty glass jar in return with a request for more!
The process is straight-forward. Mix the syrup and water in a saucepan. I used a Dutch oven and that worked nicely. There is not enough quantity of liquid that it will bubble up while boiling and jump out to burn you. With other jams and canning recipes you need to take that into consideration. (Yes, I learned the hard way!) Still, take care and wear long sleeves or a long oven mitt. Bring the mixture to a boil for one minute. Once you reduce the heat, stir in the pecans and vanilla and simmer for 5 minutes. The recipe calls for one cup but I found that to be a bit on the thin side. I doubled it and found that the ratio of syrup to pecans wasn’t quite right so I landed on a cup and a half which did the trick.
If you want to can the recipe for pecan praline sauce, leave ¼ inch headspace and process for 10 minutes. At my altitude I needed to add another 5 minutes to the canning process. Be sure to make any such adjustments for your own kitchen. If you aren’t familiar with canning, this sauce is happy to be jarred and refrigerated.
A simple use for this sauce is the most obvious: pour it over vanilla ice cream. Another delicious option is to use puff pastry and brie cheese. Wrap the cheese and praline sauce in puff pastry and cook until golden.

Holly Baker started the food blog, A Baker’s House, in 2011. She is the writer, recipe creator, and photographer for the site. Holly loves to bake and shares recipes for gluten free food, canning recipes, as well as traditional desserts too. Her recipes and food photography have been highlighted by BuzzFeed, Reader’s Digest, and She Knows.
Karen Harris
Monday 19th of November 2012
My grandfather loved this stuff, only where I'm from they call it pecan pie jam. I'm assuming it is the same thing. I have been planning a blog about it for some time now. I now know where to come for advice when I get read to make it. This looks so good.
Wednesday 11th of April 2012
I tried this same recipe. I love my Ball Canning book. Some of the recipes are a little above my skill level, like all the one with the pressure cooker. Have you tried Pressure Cooker canning? Sew Incredibly Crazy
Holly @ A Baker's House
Wednesday 11th of April 2012
Hi Amy, Yes-- I love the Ball canning book too! My mother-in-law sends me some canning recipes from England and the other book I use is one from Williams Sonoma. I do agree that Ball has the most variety and makes canning approachable. I have not tried the pressure cooker yet...I don't own one and it seems intimidating. Let me know if you get around to trying it, I'll need your advice!